Gurl, look at you, grab a mirror! — the importance of the self-knowledge journey
One of the things that I’m doing a lot this year is the self-knowledge.
After passing through many bad, baaaaaaaaaaaaad situations, my mind said: THAT’S ENOUGH!

And I decided to take a break to give my mind (and my body) a rest.
During these “sabbatical months”, I decided to take a deeper look into myself. And the changes were significant.
The importance of the therapy and the spirituality
I can say that, for me, therapy and also spirituality helped me a lot to get to know me better, to finally outcome traumas and to analyze what I did in my life (to me and to others). And also, to see how can I improve myself.
Of course, I had to be brave. Because face yourself is SCARING AS F…! But my mind was too much in pain, so, I had to do something.
The first step was: recognizing I needed help.
For a long time, I thought I could deal with everything by myself. But, of course, there are things that we can’t do it by ourselves. After struggling with mental health issues, I realized I needed help and it wasn’t a problem.
So, the next step was: going to therapy.
I went to psychologist and a psychiatrist, that, with a combined treatment, helped me to get through the difficult times.
But it took a while for things really change for me. Because I wasn’t facing my “shadows”, the parts of me that I didn’t like and I didn’t recognize that.
Step three: facing the shadows

This is the hardest part of the journey.
I was the type of person that admitted my mistakes and my “bad sides” easily, because I was to afraid of beind abandoned and reject by the others. I tried to be as perfect as I could.

I was too self-critic with myself. I couldn’t make mistakes. Of course, this is impossible. But I used to be so, so harsh with myself when I made a mistake with myself or with someone that I used to feel like this:

Now, I’m trying to be more compassive with the most important person of my life: me. I’ve always been super empathetic with others, but not wih myself.
This has to change. I’m living this process and I’m feeling better.
So, if I can advise you about self-knowledge: GRAB A MIRROR AND LOOK TO YOUR INNER SELF! You can also look to the exterior but, your soul is what really matters.