PinnedMy journey with my twin flame/soulmate (Part 1): the meeting, the chemistry and how the things got…It’s a LONG STORY. REALLY LONG. Brace yourself! If necessary, save it to read calmly later. I will do in parts. BUT PLEEEEEEEASE, READ…Jul 2, 2024Jul 2, 2024
Gurl, look at you, grab a mirror! — the importance of the self-knowledge journeyOne of the things that I’m doing a lot this year is the self-knowledge.Dec 10, 2024Dec 10, 2024
My journey with my twin flame/soulmate (Part 4) — working together (and something unexpected…Heeeey! I’m back! (at least for now).Sep 12, 20241Sep 12, 20241
The inner child and the connection with the dynamic of twin flames/soulmatesToday I decided to take a look back to Little Bruna and write about it.Sep 9, 20241Sep 9, 20241
My journey with my twin flame/soulmate (Part 3) — finally kicking the toxic away, discovering the…Previously… Click here to read the part 1 and part 2Aug 3, 2024Aug 3, 2024
My journey with my twin flame/soulmate (Part 2): ‘frenemies’, bad talks and how I got into a toxic…Yeah, tough times are coming! — FreepikJul 12, 2024Jul 12, 2024
O jornalismo e a opiniãoDeixa eu contar um negócio: jornalismo 100% neutro não existe. Essa ideia veio das antigas escolas de comunicação e que no contexto de…Apr 2, 2020Apr 2, 2020
O impacto das redes sociais no debate político contemporâneoBruna Rezende e Camila MarquesMay 9, 2018May 9, 2018
Anjos cotidianosSabe aquelas pessoas que a gente conhece nas andanças na vida e nos fazem um bem danado apenas com uma conversa? Foi o que aconteceu comigo…Apr 18, 2018Apr 18, 2018